Free Download Computer Science and IT Books

Computer Science and IT BooksFree Download Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Communication and Networks, Database, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Computer Programming, Web Designing, Computer Architecture, Data Structure, Data Science, Computer Algorithms, Compiler Construction, Cloud Computing and other Computer books in PDF. These books are not hosted on our servers and these books are copyright materials of their respective publishers/organizations. At we only share external download links of these books which we found during internet browsing. We check the genuinity of these download links and share at

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Free Download Computer Science Books


  1. A Practical Introduction to Python Programming by Brian Heinold
  2. A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ by Kirch and Peter Prinz
  3. An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java(5th Edition) by C. Thomas Wu
  4. Algorithm Design and Applications in PDF
  5. Assembly Language Step by Step by Jeff Duntemann
  6. Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
  7. Android Programming Cookbook in PDF
  8. A Tour of C++ in PDF
  9. An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software Design
  10. Android Programming 3rd Edition
  11. A Programmer’s Guide to Computer Science Vol.1 in PDF
  12. Advanced Topics in C PDF
  13. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (Global Edition)
  14. Artificial Intelligence for Dummies in PDF
  15. AP Computer Science A, 7th Edition in PDF
  16. AQA A Level Computer Science Book in PDF
  17. Architecture for Blockchain Applications


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  3. Beginning Objective C in PDF
  4. Beginning PowerApps in PDF
  5. Beginning Rust From Novice to Professional in PDF
  6. Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps in PDF


  1. C Programming Absolute Beginner’s Guide (3rd Edition) by Greg Perry and Dean Miller
  2. Compilers and Compiler Generators An introduction with C++
  3. Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Edition
  4. C++ Primer (Fifth Edition)
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  16. C++ How to Program, Ninth Edition in PDF
  17. C++ How to Program, 10th Edition in PDF
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  19. Code The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software in PDF
  20. Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science Second Edition in PDF
  21. Creating a Freelance Career in PDF
  22. Computer Systems A Programmer’s Perspective Third Edition
  23. C++ in a Nutshell in PDF
  24. Computer Science Problems in Python in PDF
  25. Computer Science An Interdisciplinary Approach in PDF
  26. Cambridge International AS and A Level Computer Science Course Book in PDF
  27. Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science Study and Revision Guide 2nd Edition
  28. Cloud Computing in PDF
  29. Cloud Computing Theory and Practice in PDF
  30. Clean Architectures in Python in PDF


  1. Data Communications and Networking (4th Edition) by Behrouz A. Forouzan
  2. Database Systems A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management(4th Edition)
  3. Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis (C++ Version) by Clifford A. Shaffer
  4. Data Structures and Algorithms in Java(4th Edition)
  5. Database Systems – The Complete Book (2nd Edition)
  6. Data Munging with Perl
  7. Databases: A Beginners Guide
  8. Data Science from Scratch
  9. Deep Learning with Python in PDF
  10. Developing 2D Games with Unity: Independent Game Programming with C#
  11. Data Analysis and Visualization Using Python
  12. Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB in PDF
  13. Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials in PDF
  14. Designing Digital Games in PDF
  15. Developing AR Games for iOS and Android in PDF
  16. Designing Data Intensive Applications in PDF
  17. Digital Logic and Computer Design in PDF
  18. Data Science for Economics and Finance in PDF
  19. Data Compression The Complete Reference, Third Edition in PDF
  20. Data Storage Edited by Florin Balasa in PDF


  1. Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology (Revised Edition) by Harry Henderson
  2. Elements of Programming Interviews in Java in PDF
  3. Expert C Programming Deep Secrets in PDF
  4. Excel 2016 For Dummies in PDF
  5. Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA in PDF


  1. Fundamentals of Database Systems(6th Edition) by Elmasri and Navathe
  2. Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# (C Sharp)
  3. Free download Foundations of Databases in PDF
  4. Free download Effective Java (2nd Edition) in PDF
  5. Foundations of Computer Science, Fourth Edition in PDF
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  1. Game Coding Complete (4th Edition)
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  1. HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference (5th Edition) by Thomas A. Powell
  2.  Head First Java (2nd Edition) Covers Java 5.0
  3. Head First JavaScript Programming in PDF
  4. HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites (PDF)


  1. Introduction to Algorithms Third Edition
  2. Introduction to Python Programming in PDF
  3. Introduction to Python for Science and Engineering in PDF
  4. Introducing Ethereum and Solidity in PDF
  5. Introduction to Storage Area Networks and System Networking in PDF
  6. Introduction to Time Series Forecasting with Python (PDF)


  1. Java All-in-One for Dummies(4th Edition) by Doug Lowe
  2. Java – The Complete Reference(7th Edition) by Herbert Schildt
  3. Java Programming (7th Edition) by Joyce Farrell
  4. Java Network Programming (2nd Edition) by Elliotte Rusty Harold
  5. Java Cookbook (3rd Edition) by Ian F. Darwin
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  3. Learning Java 3rd Edition
  4. Learn Python in 7 Days
  5. Learning Python Network Programming
  6. Learning C# by Programming Games, 2nd Edition
  7. Learning Android Forensics in PDF
  8. Low-Level Programming by Igor Zhirkov in PDF


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  2. MySQL for Python by Albert Lukaszewki
  3. Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step, Ninth Edition
  4. MATLAB for Dummies in PDF
  5. Modern Database Management in PDF
  6. Mathematics for Computer Science in PDF
  7. Memory Thinking for C & C++Windows Diagnostics in PDF
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  1. Operating Systems Internal and Design Principles(7th Edition) by William Stallings 
  2. Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools in PDF
  3. Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 6th Edition
  4. Oracle Database 12c Performance Tuning Recipes in PDF


  1. Programming in C (3rd Edition) written by Stephen G. Kochan
  2. PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Websites(4th Edition) by Larry  Ullman
  3. PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice(3rd Edition) by Matt Zandstra
  4. Practical PHP and MySQL Website Databases by Adrian W. West
  5. Python Programming – An Introduction to Computer Science (3rd Edition) by John Zelle
  6. Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes
  7. Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0
  8. Python For Everybody in PDF
  9. Practical C++ Programming
  10. Python Basics A Self-Teaching Introduction in PDF
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  12. Professional WordPress Design and Development 2nd Edition in PDF
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  17. Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby An Agile Primer Book in PDF
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  2. SQL Server Advanced Types in PDF
  3. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs in PDF
  4. System Design Interview An Insider’s Guide in PDF


  1. The Missing Link An Introduction to Web Development and Programming by Michael Mendez
  2. The C++ Programming Language (Special Edition) by Bjarne Stroustrup
  3. Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days in PDF
  4. Teach Yourself Perl 5 in 21 Days in PDF (2nd Edition)
  5. The C Programming Language 2nd Edition
  6. The Pragmatic Programmer in PDF
  7. The Self-taught Programmer
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  9. The C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference (2nd Edition)
  10. 21st Century C, 2nd Edition in PDF
  11. The Linux Programming Interface
  12. Thinking with Data in PDF
  13. The Full Stack Developer in PDF
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  15. The Internet of Things in PDF
  16. The Big Book of Small Python Projects 81 Easy Practice Programs in PDF
  17. The Book of R: A First Course in Programming and Statistics
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  1. Unity in Action Multiplatform Game Development in C#, 2nd Edition
  2. Unity 5 From Zero to Proficiency in PDF
  3. Understanding and Using C Pointers in PDF



  1. Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming (2nd Edition)
  2. Web Scraping with Python, 2nd Edition